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albums of upsidemedia
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Stop the Cycle / BLM
Bolsey B2
Pentax SP1000
Atlanta, March 2018
Pentax SMC Takumar 55mm f2
Salem 2017
Zeiss Ikonta 521/2
Detroit 2017
Maine 2017
Beyond Walls July 18, 2017
YashicaMat TLR b&w
Boston Women's March
Minolta Maxxum 400si
Salem day before 2016 Halloween
Bent Water Brewery Pumpkin Festival
Samoca 35
Expired Film
Set The Nation w/ Seth Nobles
Ryan's Jeep
Pop Gun and Greg Allen's Fringe Religion
Retina IIIc
Set The Nation at Pickled Onion
The Way Down / Harborlights in Lynn's Central Square
2016 PA - Williamsport, Pittsburgh, Bethlehem
Albany, Ithica, Finger Lakes 2016
Konica A3
Zorki 4 fail
Fed 3 experiment
Jupiter-11 play
Agfa Optima 500
Leica IIIf pre-restoration
Kiev 6c
Mother's Day
Fotasy CCTV Lens
May Day 2016
YashicaMat TLR Color
The roll that broke the machine
Bentwater Brewery Open Mic
Pick Up Modern
March for the Homeless
Assorted signs
Trivia at the Museum
April 4th Snow
Jupiter-3 tests at Cafe Moka
Gov't Center - State House etc.
State House + Boston
Singers-Songwriters at Cafe Moka
Family Gathering
East Village at Night 2-20-16
Downtown Lynn in the Snow
Evil Streaks, Tiger Bomb, The Forz
Paul Collins Beat
Tigerman Woah, American Echoes, Meaghan Casey
What Time Is It, Mr. Fox?
2015 Lynn Christmas Parade
Downtown Lynn Open Loft
Montserrat / Operation Bootstrap at Visionspace
Arts After Hours Snow Ball 2015
Blizzard Nemo, 2013
Driven to Succeed
NYC over Thanksgiving
Charlie Don't Surf, Greg Allen's Fringe Religion, Two Saints
Far From the Tree Tasting Room
Trying out Helios 44-2
Night of HOPE & Awareness
Tigerman WOAH / Brown Chicken Browncow
British Invasion Fundraiser
Livy's Birthday
Muti-city Road Trip Summer 2015
Movie On The Way Down at Koto
Elephants at Koto
Election 2015
Industar 69 w/ close focus adapter
Jupiter 8 w/ close focus adapter
Salem in October, 2015
The Texas Chainsaw Musical (B+W)
LACC Young Entrepreneurs Bar Crawl in Downtown Lynn
Conway to Lincoln NH
Industar-69 on Sony a7ii test shots
Walk, Talk & Rock for Recovery
Mostly Coney Island, some East Village
Jersey City, NJ
Red Hook, Brooklyn