donlope1: Right on place
Ken Krach Photography: Finding a Way in the Dark
Ken Krach Photography: At Lake Bowman
Ken Krach Photography: Counting Scales
Ken Krach Photography: Carrying the Meal
Tjomme Fernhout: Drieteenstrandloper - Calidris alba
Ken Krach Photography: Stretching Those Talons Out
Solent Poster: Harbour Life
shutterbug_uk2012: sentinel (Explored)
T0nyJ0yce: It's All About The Fish
Reptiles4all: Clown treefrog / Dendropsophus leucophyllatus
Ken Krach Photography: Punctured ...
Ken Krach Photography: Transitions Above the Grass
Ken Krach Photography: Badlands & the Moon
Ken Krach Photography: Parting Drops
Ken Krach Photography: Foggy Breakfast
Ken Krach Photography: Waiting for Daybreak - HMBM
Melissa James Photography: Tricolored Heron
Ken Krach Photography: Heading to the Mountains
jlfconceicao: Rola brava - Streptopelia turtur - European Turtle Dove
nicklucas2: Patio Rose
RickBuesink: Groot avondrood (Deilephila elpenor)
Ken Krach Photography: Red Rock Falls Late Afternoon
Tjomme Fernhout: First stack - Aardhommel
Gary Emerson: Kingfisher
Rinaldo R: Aricia agestis
Sveta Imnadze: Milky Way over Crater Lake (Crater Lake NP, OR)
creative-14: Red-shouldered Hawk
Moe Ali Photography: Swainson's Hawk on Patrol
Tjomme Fernhout: Iguana iguana - Groene leguaan