SalPal Images: longwood orchid- Cilia
SalPal Images: longwood orchid- Tendril
SalPal Images: longwood orchid- Water Pod
SalPal Images: longwood orchid- Feathers
SalPal Images: wk 5 Landscape- Shrink Wrapped
SalPal Images: week 52 Selfie- The Climb
SalPal Images: week 51 Art- Pillow Soft
SalPal Images: week 50 Symmetrical- The Aisle
SalPal Images: week 49 Dancing- Flickering Filament
SalPal Images: week 39 Handmade- Painting Poppies
SalPal Images: week 48 Bokeh- Cheers!
SalPal Images: week 47 Abandoned- Alone in the Corner
SalPal Images: week 46 Backlit- LR in Church
SalPal Images: week 45 Nostalgic- Don't Flush Me
SalPal Images: week 44 Tree- Branches of Hope
SalPal Images: week 43 Elderly- Walk in Love
SalPal Images: week 42 Minimalism- Boots In Marietta
SalPal Images: week 41 Shot from Above- Fashion Forward Feet of my Friend
SalPal Images: week 40 Sitting- Sit or Stand on the Subway
SalPal Images: week 38 Shoot from Below- Round and Round They Go
SalPal Images: Fog in Philly 2016
SalPal Images: Wet Sidewalks 2016
SalPal Images: week 37 Fashion- A Beautiful Walk
SalPal Images: week 36 Food- York Fair Hotness
SalPal Images: week 35 Macro- Living Free and Airy
SalPal Images: WEEK 34 Child Portrait- Take My Picture!
SalPal Images: week 33 Collaboration- Intertwined in Sorrow and Hope
SalPal Images: Rays of Sunshine
SalPal Images: week 32 Colorful- No Parking
SalPal Images: week 31 Candid- It's Whats Underneath that Counts