Csalem's Lot: Provincial Past (190)
Csalem's Lot: Throwback Thursday (433)
Csalem's Lot: Provincial Past (191)
Csalem's Lot: 241 D 9730 Swords 06/05/2024
Marra Man: 3ft gauge 2-6-T No.5 at Tralee Ballyard station.
Marra Man: A shed with a pedigree ! ex CDRJC railcar no.15.
Grounded body maestro15: LM 442 -- Boora Works, 22-04-11.
murray.liston: The Bog Foreman
murray.liston: BnM Boora : Rail Tractor
express000: I.D.s 1144 & 11443 photographed on 1974-10-31 Córas Iompair Éireann (C.I.E.) Leyland Leopard PSU5A-2R 45 IK (C 45) with Robert Grieves walking on the roadway near 2 donkeys en route to Carraroe near Costelloe, Ireland.
Regional Bus Photos: DJL IRELAND 2 073
Regional Bus Photos: DJL IRELAND 2 074
Regional Bus Photos: DJL IRELAND 2 075
Regional Bus Photos: DJL IRELAND 2 078
Regional Bus Photos: DJL IRELAND 2 086
Regional Bus Photos: DJL IRELAND 2 092
murray.liston: Stored "E"s at Mullingar
dubdee: c1956 A general street scene of Greencastle, Donegal.
dubdee: c1956 UI 4291 Leyland PS2/1 Lough Swilly #64 in the Market Square, Moville, Donegal.
dubdee: c1956 UI 4306 Leyland PD2/1 Lough Swilly #63 in Moville, Donegal.
dubdee: c1956 UI 5205 Leyland PSU1/9 Lough Swilly #76 in the Market Square, Moville, Donegal.
dubdee: c1956 UI4293 Leyland PS2/1 Lough Swilly #66 in the Market Square, Moville, Donegal.
dubdee: c1956 ZC749 Leyland TD4 Lough Swilly #57 in Moville, Donegal.
dubdee: c1956 IH6243 AEC Regal III Lough Swilly #54 in the Market Square, Moville, Donegal.
dubdee: c1956 IH9841 Leyland PSU1/9 Royal Tiger Lough Swilly #74 in the Market Square, Moville, Donegal..
dubdee: c 1956 IH5619 AEC Regal II with a DUTC B34R body at Pennyburn.
dubdee: c 1956 IH5619 AEC Regal II UTA B34R stands at Moville.
dubdee: c1956 IH6244 AEC Regal III ECW Lough Swilly 55 at Shrove.
dubdee: c1956 GZ2474 Bedford OWB Duple Lough Swilly 30 in Moville.