Rachel’s AI creations:
No Secrets
Angelika Corral:
Skippy Beresford:
Just one smile immensely increases the beauty of the universe.
Skippy Beresford:
Daring enthusiasm and abiding cheerfulness can accomplish everything on earth without fail.
Madame . Rêve:
. everything you do is a balloon .
Madame . Rêve:
. overnight .
Madame . Rêve:
. your colors .
Madame . Rêve:
a calming scent of lavender fills the air
Apple Roses:
. still in my heart somewhere .
Skippy Beresford:
The fearful are caught as often as the bold.
Apple Roses:
b a y o u
cecilia nansen:
Apple Roses:
l a v e n d e r . h a z e
Rachel’s AI creations:
Rachel’s AI creations:
Angel on Earth
Skippy Beresford:
Books may well be the only true magic.
Sunset Theas:
coming this close to heaven and going back
Rachel’s AI creations:
Cross my heart
Skippy Beresford:
To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything.
Skippy Beresford:
Determination mixed with resourcefulness is nearly unstoppable.