afaticati: The sun wasn't yet gone and the aurora start and show their beauty! I was doing my dishes of the dinner outside. I was looking at the sky and I just stop everything I was doing, amazed by the northern light show upon my head! Iceland, I'm in love with you
afaticati: In Iceland, we are feeling so small... --- En Islande, on se sent tout petit...
afaticati: #2 Mood of the end of november
afaticati: #1 Alone in the rain
afaticati: Love one
afaticati: Lac Piché
afaticati: Arc de proton
afaticati: Escapade
afaticati: Contre courant
afaticati: Loving time
afaticati: La chasseresse de Pokémons
afaticati: Contre vents et tempête
afaticati: Diplômée!
afaticati: 16-52 : La grotte Notre-Dame-De-Grâce
afaticati: Premier test de double exposition
afaticati: 15/52 : Le chemin de fer le long du boulevard Champlain
afaticati: La timidité
afaticati: Faible halo vert
afaticati: 14/52 : Les silos du Vieux Port
afaticati: Laurie Levitation
afaticati: 13/52 - Sous le pont Samson
afaticati: La reine des arbres
afaticati: 12/52 - La ruelle "Sous-le-Cap"
afaticati: Riverside
afaticati: 11/52 : La tour Martello numéro 4
afaticati: Tempête nordique
afaticati: Contemplation nordique
afaticati: Arbres nordiques
afaticati: Promenade nordique
afaticati: 10-52 : L'escalier du Faubourg