Ramona Raican - Visual Metaphors: An autumn afternoon in the old centre of Bucharest
mperlet: Wattweiten
Mark Preston Ashton: The Near Future
Xiao Chuan Zhang (Michael): Dao Cheng Ya Ding 稻城亚丁
Askjell: Western Anchorage
Richard James Palmer: James - A grab at Exhibition Skate Park.
BartvanDam: Happy Family
_Anathemus_: The Ruins of Netley Abbey. Hampshire, UK.
_Anathemus_: Gothic Cloisters at Lacock Abbey. (Wiltshire, UK)
Richard James Palmer: The Cougar - Fs Lip at Newcastle College
Syã Fonseca: © Syã Fonseca
Syã Fonseca: "The Old Man and the Sea"
Mark Preston Ashton: The Atom Store
Askjell: Bergen Street
Askjell: Statsraad Lehmkuhl
Fernando Fabião: Urban - DSC_3076.jpg
Ingo Klever: What are we doing with mother earth?
Ingo Klever: Market in the Hague
Spectra Design: Image_61
cidadevazia: _carnaval só ano que vem.
Zlatko Vickovic: be original
Thanks for 5,300,000 views!: Roof detail - residence, Kyoto Japan
*老四*: L1004068
Guillaume DELEBARRE: Metallic reflection [explored 14.02.2015]
DTB's...: Sunset along Smith's Reef