Mark Dalzell: F2_100615_39
jellyfire: Nowhere
spunkytoofers: sunny honey
spunkytoofers: polyphonic skree
spunkytoofers: nonsequencethesizer
spunkytoofers: sk-1 midi
spunkytoofers: snapped circuit board sandwich
spunkytoofers: antithesizer
spunkytoofers: porto negro
spunkytoofers: tg33 gold
spunkytoofers: shaman drum
spunkytoofers: spunkytoofers mm1 midi module
spunkytoofers: kawai k1m
spunkytoofers: custom sequenthesizer
spunkytoofers: vss30 current
spunkytoofers: vss30 matrix
spunkytoofers: dm2 - panel
spunkytoofers: dm2- rabbithole vortex
spunkytoofers: Duocore arduino modular
Bathysphere Recordings: Modular and Circuit Bent instruments
asmo23: Gristleism LFO mod page 3
Evan Craig: Blacked Out
atican: _MG_0981
MATRIXSYNTH: Circuit Bent Analog Synth Drum Machine
Benvenga analog solution: the spring machine
Bathysphere Recordings: Circuit Bent Video Painter by Stu Smith (A.S.M.O.)
Greg Francke: pss100