@Αννα@mostly off: Chasing the light
@Αννα@mostly off: impossible...
@Αννα@mostly off: Street stories IV
@Αννα@mostly off: Night Stories...
@Αννα@mostly off: ............><..............
@Αννα@mostly off: T is for Tango...
@Αννα@mostly off: Rolling gently..
@Αννα@mostly off: Sun's echo ....
@Αννα@mostly off: \/ |Ξ /\/ |_| S
@Αννα@mostly off: /\/\/\/\/\_|_/\/\
@Αννα@mostly off: well__/___it's_ni___C__e___to have __a_ Dr.ea.m____
@Αννα@mostly off: I must go down to the seas again....
@Αννα@mostly off: E/\/\ERA|_D |/\/Sig|-|t
@Αννα@mostly off: _green __light____T__t__a__dream__
@Αννα@mostly off: Un paso me voy para siempre...
@Αννα@mostly off: light ...+... fire
@Αννα@mostly off: v^v^v^__|i__^
@Αννα@mostly off: ____|^|___________
@Αννα@mostly off: naked at the edge of the world..
@Αννα@mostly off: _^^__/_\_/_\__
@Αννα@mostly off: August's Rhapsody
@Αννα@mostly off: Travelers of light