john0908heart1: DSC08859
Mohamed Haykal: Under Southwark Bridge...
F.H: 5Ds & EF85mm f/1.4L IS USM
JensLPZ: Zoom in for great comorant action! Kormoran (Phalacrocorax carbo) - great cormorant · · · (5D4_5694)
Brett Josephs Photography: A Granddaughter's Kiss
JensLPZ: Zoom in! Heavy rain (in night and backlight): Graureiher (Ardea cinerea) - Gray/grey heron · · · (5D4_1073)
JensLPZ: Please do not take a photo! Graureiher (Ardea cinerea) im Prachtkleid - Gray/grey heron in breeding plumage · · · (1DX_1594)
JensLPZ: Trouble! Kormoran (Phalacrocorax carbo) und Storch (Ciconia ciconia) - great cormorant and white stork · · · (5D4_5346)
Kremslerfotografie: sports field in the evening
Brett Josephs Photography: Long Island Sunsets
Kremslerfotografie: in the old part of town
Cfrancky34130: Hélia 21
JensLPZ: Zoom in for real greediness! Kormoran (Phalacrocorax carbo) - great cormorant · · · (1DX_0910)
maoby: Il était une fois...
maoby: Joie de vivre
maoby: Goodbye!
JensLPZ: Our 2nd shooting: Lisa · · · (5D116738)
JensLPZ: Lisa's eyes · · · (5D2_0210)
JensLPZ: an intent look... Bienenfresser (Merops apiaster) - Bee-Eater · · · (5D412386)
JensLPZ: Our 2nd shooting: Lisa · · · (5D116747)
JensLPZ: Fight! Mäusebussard (Buteo buteo) - common buzzard · · · (1DX_3195)
JensLPZ: Our 1st shooting: Lisa · · · (5D415892)
JensLPZ: Our 1st shooting: Lisa & Sandra · · · (5D415990)