gjdonatiello: Orion Nebula stack demo
gjdonatiello: Observatory Tent on Piano Visitone (1420m)
gjdonatiello: Ghosts and goblins around Mirach
gjdonatiello: Ultra-deep imaging of M33: exploring its stellar halo
gjdonatiello: Sirius B in motion 2012 - 2020
gjdonatiello: The Barnard's E dark nebula (B143)
gjdonatiello: Lyra constellation (2021)
gjdonatiello: Tair-3S Star Test
gjdonatiello: Total Lunar Eclipse on November 9, 2003
gjdonatiello: Occultation of Jupiter by the Moon on July 15, 2012
gjdonatiello: Andromeda (M31) and its halo structures, Triangulum (M33) and Mirach ft NGC 404
gjdonatiello: Westerhout 5 (IC 1848)
gjdonatiello: Iris Nebula
gjdonatiello: Telephoto platform with guide scope and laser pointer
gjdonatiello: Messier 51
gjdonatiello: Galactic Center region
gjdonatiello: Software comparison
gjdonatiello: Epsilon 1-2 Lyrae, Vega, Zeta 1-2 Lyrae
gjdonatiello: Epsilon 1-2 Lyrae, Vega, Zeta 1-2 Lyrae (annotated)
gjdonatiello: Messier 27 - The Dumbbell Nebula (cutout)
gjdonatiello: Double Cluster in Perseus
gjdonatiello: NGC 7023 - The Iris Nebula
gjdonatiello: NGC 4565 - the Needle Galaxy
gjdonatiello: The two supernova remnants in Cygnus
gjdonatiello: Messier 27 - The Dumbbell Nebula
gjdonatiello: Mercury transit on Nov. 11, 2019 at 13:55 UT
gjdonatiello: Messier 51