gjdonatiello: Discoveries - Press coverage
gjdonatiello: l'Astronomia # 68 July 1987
gjdonatiello: Giuseppe Donatiello - International Halley Watch (diploma)
gjdonatiello: Giuseppe Donatiello - Javer Gorosabel Award (diploma)
gjdonatiello: Talk during 36° Meeting Regionale Astrofili Pugliesi
gjdonatiello: Talk on July 23, 2021
gjdonatiello: Lesson
gjdonatiello: Solar System transits
gjdonatiello: Amateur spectra of the stars Sirius and Betelgeuse
gjdonatiello: Solar spectrum with DIY device
gjdonatiello: Analemma A14 2016
gjdonatiello: Great Conjunction Jupiter - Saturn
gjdonatiello: False color moon
gjdonatiello: The Kiss in the Moon
gjdonatiello: Apollo Landing Sites
gjdonatiello: Moon phases #2
gjdonatiello: Moon phases (2013)
gjdonatiello: Grazing lighting versus direct
gjdonatiello: AR2192 vs AR3664
gjdonatiello: Planets across the Sun at the same scale
gjdonatiello: Belvedere del Malvento - Pollino
gjdonatiello: The run-up between the two giants
gjdonatiello: Sirius B in motion 2012 - 2020
gjdonatiello: Antares Nebula vs Moon
gjdonatiello: Seeing 2022 (Sirius)
gjdonatiello: The best of the bad seeing - 2024 edition
gjdonatiello: The Galactic Center
gjdonatiello: Barnard's Star (2022-2024)
gjdonatiello: Winter White Dwarfs
gjdonatiello: Venus and Mars approach the Pleiades