Timothy Knox: untitled-665.jpg
Timothy Knox: untitled-652.jpg
Timothy Knox: untitled-648.jpg
Timothy Knox: untitled-636.jpg
Timothy Knox: untitled-633.jpg
Timothy Knox: untitled-629.jpg
Timothy Knox: untitled-639.jpg
Timothy Knox: Two Harbors
Timothy Knox: Two Harbors
Timothy Knox: Two Harbors Music night
Timothy Knox: Gooseberry Falls
Timothy Knox: Life and death
Timothy Knox: Rock Towers
Timothy Knox: Tettegouche State Park
Timothy Knox: Tettegouche Rocks
Timothy Knox: Tettegouche Rocks 2
Timothy Knox: Tettegouche rocks 3
Timothy Knox: Tettegouche
Timothy Knox: George H. Crosby Manitous State Park
Timothy Knox: So. Many. Stairs.
Timothy Knox: George H. Crosby Manitous State Park
Timothy Knox: George H. Crosby Manitou State Park
Timothy Knox: Tunnel to the North Shore
Timothy Knox: Flowers!
Timothy Knox: Surprise rainbow
Timothy Knox: Reflections
Timothy Knox: Old Stairs
Timothy Knox: Tunnel falls
Timothy Knox: Temperance River Falls
Timothy Knox: Temperance River Falls