Gf220warbler: Northern Flicker
Gf220warbler: Northern Flicker (intergrade)
Gf220warbler: Prothonotary Warbler
Gf220warbler: Bullock's Oriole (m)
Gf220warbler: Common Yellowthroat
Gf220warbler: Pine Warbler
Gf220warbler: Ovenbird
Gf220warbler: Chestnut-sided Warbler
Gf220warbler: Chestnut-sided Warbler
Gf220warbler: Least Flycatcher
Gf220warbler: Least Flycatcher
Gf220warbler: Greater Sage-Grouse
Gf220warbler: Greater Sage-Grouse
Gf220warbler: Brewer's Sparrow
Gf220warbler: Red-necked Grebe
Gf220warbler: Red-necked Grebe
Marie-Josée D'Amour: Paruline à collier / Northern Parula
Digital Plume Hunter: Prairie Warbler
Digital Plume Hunter: Prairie Warbler
FDR Photography: Hooded Warbler
FDR Photography: Mr. and Mrs. Cutthroat
FDR Photography: Blackburnian Warbler
FDR Photography: Hello…is it me you’re looking for?
FDR Photography: Vesper Sparrow
FDR Photography: Will always be our favorite
FDR Photography: Just in case you were having trouble ID’ing me…..go go gadget neck!
FDR Photography: White eyed vireo
Digital Plume Hunter: Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Digital Plume Hunter: Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Kevin E. Fox: Grasshopper Sparrow