oguzhankocacik: he is thinking..
oguzhankocacik: light is lean!
oguzhankocacik: light is lean!
oguzhankocacik: light is lean!
oguzhankocacik: light is lean!
oguzhankocacik: light is lean!
oguzhankocacik: silhouette.
oguzhankocacik: Childhood
oguzhankocacik: make bread
oguzhankocacik: dark green is going to infinity..
oguzhankocacik: the end..
oguzhankocacik: you can still live 1980s in Turkey.. #rememberWhen
oguzhankocacik: soil smells almost iron..
oguzhankocacik: red's home
oguzhankocacik: such a lonely flower
oguzhankocacik: The reflections of a candle and candle.
oguzhankocacik: light is beautiful..light is lean..
oguzhankocacik: Like a old man beard.
oguzhankocacik: save the green!
oguzhankocacik: Like the hands which reach to the sky.
oguzhankocacik: sun's last blinking before disappear. sun is leaving amazing colors which is the heritage to us.
oguzhankocacik: beautiful purple.
oguzhankocacik: IMG_1606
oguzhankocacik: https://youtu.be/-RWl24TUW6g
oguzhankocacik: calm and alone life.
oguzhankocacik: sun, get into its own cave.
oguzhankocacik: this bell's mean is dinner for man. on the other hand death for fish.