8lueskies: Canada Geese
BirdCraft: Honey Buzzard
patricia.hoedts: Xarxet comu - Cerceta comun - Eurasian teal - Sarcelle d'hiver - Anas crecca
hellomumu / Taiwan: 灰喉山椒 Pericrocotus solaris
philippe.soriano: Keeping up appearances, in the manner of a Northern Shoveler
boonloke: THE ACT
jvverde: Black-faced Cuckooshrike // Lagarteiro-de-cara-preta
ROL/Photos: Portait
wjm photography: Stehender Graureiher im Weiher_IMG_7925
wjm photography: Eichelhähr_1A1A1486
p145zypharm: Autumn Leaf (Doleschallia bisaltide pratipa) - Taman Sejati Suria, Sitiawan 实兆远市, Daerah Manjung 曼绒县, Perak 霹雳州, Malaysia 马来西亚 (4K)
p145zypharm: Male Dark Archduke / Black-tipped Archduke (Lexias dirtea merguia) - Hutan Lipur Ulu Licin 乌鲁丽晶丛林生态公园, Beruas 木歪市, Daerah Manjung 曼绒县, Perak 霹雳州, Malaysia 马来西亚 (5K)
neilhilton65: Dunlin
jvverde: Dartford Warbler // Toutinegra-do-mato
BP Chua: Red-crowned Barbet
boonloke: A LITTLE GUY
jorge luis montalvo: Osprey with catch for kids
jorge luis montalvo: Male Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Jono Dashper Wildlife: Wreathed Hornbill - Rhyticeros undulatus
jorge luis montalvo: Ruby Throated Hummingbird-Going Vertical
jvverde: White-throated Rock Thrush // Melro-das-rochas-de-garganta-branca
boonloke: WATTLES
jvverde: Rusty-naped Pitta // Pita-ruiva
patricia.hoedts: Abellerol comu - Abejaruco europeo - European bee-eater - Guêpier d'Europe - Merops apiaster
patricia.hoedts: Curroc - Pagaza piconegra - Gull-billed tern - Sterne hansel - Gelochelidon nilotica
Thomas Shahan 3: Promachus bastardii "False Bee-Killer" robber fly w/ Euphoria sepulcralis "Dark Flower Scarab" - OK
I follow birds: Nature’s Artwork