lsharvell: Mega-rarity Fieldfare, Newcastle, ME, relocated by Scott 8:50 a.m. Excellent views obtained from 611 Sheepscot homeowner's yard with permission
lsharvell: Mega-rarity Fieldfare, Newcastle, ME relocated by Scott 8:50 a.m. viewed from 611 Sheepscot homeowner's yard by permission
lsharvell: Mega-rarity, Fieldfare, Newcastle, ME - Code 4 relocated by Scott at 8:50 a.m viewed from 611 Sheepscot homeowner's yard with permission
lsharvell: Mega-rarity Fieldfare, Newcastle, ME relocated by Scott 8:50 a.m viewed from 611 Sheepscot Homeowner's yard with permission
lsharvell: Mega-rarity Fieldfare, Newcastle, ME relocated by Scott 8:50 a.m. viewed from 611 Sheepscot Rd Homeowner's yard with permission
lsharvell: Fieldfare, Newcastle, ME relocated by Scott 8:50 a.m. viewed from 611 Sheepscot homeowner's yard with permission
lsharvell: Mega-rarity Fieldfare, Newcastle, ME re-located by Scott at 8:50 a.m. viewed from 611 Sheepscot homeowner's yard with permission
lsharvell: Mega-rarity Fieldfare, Newcastle, ME re-located by Scott at 8:50 a.m. viewed from 611 Sheepscot homeonwer's yard with permission