lsharvell: Scopoli's Shearwater, 2014 BBC Pelagic, MA (recently split from Cory's Shearwater, fortunately had archived pelagic photos! Extensive white on inner webs of primaries)
lsharvell: Marsh Crane Fly, Hillsborough County, NH
lsharvell: Say's Mantidfly, inside hen of the wood! Hollis, NH
lsharvell: Woodland Ground Beetle, Bethlehem, NH
lsharvell: Marsh Greenbottle Fly, Hillsborough County, NH
lsharvell: Orange Sulphur, Hillsborough County, NH
lsharvell: White-tailed Deer, Hillsborough County, NH
lsharvell: Woolly Alder Aphid, Hillsborough County, NH
lsharvell: New England Buckmoth, Hillsborough County, NH
lsharvell: Genus Baryceros, Hillsborough County, NH
lsharvell: Yard Orbweaver web work, NH
lsharvell: Red-banded Leafhopper, NH
lsharvell: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, NH
lsharvell: Orange-bearded Bluebottle Fly, Hillsborough County, NH
lsharvell: Tachinus Fimbriatus, Monson, NH
lsharvell: Tachinus Fimbriatus, Monson, NH
lsharvell: Black Blister Beetle, Woodmont Orchard, Hollis, NH
lsharvell: Tipula Sayi, Hillsborough County, NH
lsharvell: Emesaya Brevipennis, Hollis, NH, ID confirmed on iNat
lsharvell: Turbulent Phosphila Moth, Hillsborough County, NH - second NH sighting on iNat
lsharvell: Leonard's Skipper, Hillsborough County, NH
lsharvell: Shamrock Orbweaver catches a Great Spangled Fritillary, Hillsborough County, NH
lsharvell: Systropus genus, Hillsborough County NH
lsharvell: Laurentian Skipper, Coos County, NH
lsharvell: Spotted Tussock Moth, Coos County, NH
lsharvell: Four-spotted Mantidfly, Hillsborough County, NH - a most unusual sighting!!
lsharvell: Four-spotted Mantidfly, Hillsborough County, NH
lsharvell: Delicate Cycnia Moth, Hillsborough County, NH
lsharvell: Spring Peeper, NH - When nature can only be defined as adorable!
lsharvell: Eastern Giant Swallowtail, have been monitoring butterfly bushes for years! Finally! Hillsborough County, NH