Monica Talbot: Back view, florally.
Monica Talbot: Our idiotic President
Monica Talbot: Simple Style
Monica Talbot: The virginal style nightclub dress
Monica Talbot: the hopeful look....
Monica Talbot: A delightfully short vintage slip
Monica Talbot: Legginess
Monica Talbot: Quelle est la différence ?
Monica Talbot: Glorious vintage high waisted panties -- with pizzazz!
Monica Talbot: From long ago - a fun and memorable day
Monica Talbot: Cheap and cute pair
Monica Talbot: Wonderful Vintage Lingerie
Monica Talbot: Trouble Seeker
Monica Talbot: An 80s does 40s look
Monica Talbot: B&W Test Pattern
Monica Talbot: Late 1960s lingerie ad
Monica Talbot: Hi - I''m Trudy, in Accounting
Monica Talbot: Just wait till you see my report card for this quarter
Monica Talbot: Flat on Back
Monica Talbot: Risque? Not with Flickr Pro!
Monica Talbot: Ethnic dress
Monica Talbot: Camouflage
Monica Talbot: Thought you could get rid of me???