WhiteBearQuilts: Double Stars
Melissa @ Happy Quilting: Seeing Stars QAL
Melissa @ Happy Quilting: Seeing Stars QAL
StitchingGrandma.wordpress.com: Reverse side of Autumn Jubilee tablerunner
DiannB1: image
Susan in Dublin: Autumn Jubilee table runner all quilted and bound.
judy143252: DSCN2386
nanotchka: scrap quilt
Susan in Dublin: Rest of my A blocks. Make 32 10" size, will wait for next clue to make more if necessary.
StitchingGrandma.wordpress.com: All 72 blocks completed
stanandjoni: IMG_0139
AuntyHennys: Here is the back of my runner.
StitchingGrandma.wordpress.com: And we are starting step 2
Susan in Dublin: Goodies for several projects
dashabrandt: DSCF4248
desertskyquilts: HST-Scrap Dance Tango
McCurdy's Photos: Scrap Dance Mystery Quilt 2015
Heidi@RedLetterQuilts: Scrap Dance Mystery QAL
rosa500: Etapa 3
Susan in Dublin: Dots, Hearts and Stars I
cynwoodham72: Clue 2
kuvshinoffb: scrap squares drawer
kuvshinoffb: Scrap dance mystery step 2