Gabriel Cojea: Scorpion - Jordan Langerak
PauliusOrigami: Butterfly
atilla yurtkul: BUTTERFLY
Sunny^o^: My recent works
Praise Pratajev: flagstone photumentation: introduction
Orimin: Origami Deer
Cường Origami: Scorpio-snake
esli24: Hydrangea Bookmark
四面夔: the kiss
snuk89: Crested Oropendola-Quentin Trollip
vincent origami: Sloth by V.achard
Rami_origami: Fox V2
Rami_origami: Fox V2
BZCHUN: 纸魔鹤 原作者 张弛
Aarón Ramírez Bermúdez: Here are some photos of the process
Rami_origami: CHAMELEON
OrigamibyBoice: Jumping Spider designed by Nguyen Ngoc Thành folded by OrigamibyBoice | Handmade Do | IOIO 2018
Sunny^o^: WhatsApp logo designed by Carlson Choo
shooroop83: White Shark - Nguyen Ngoc Vu
Adri 79: Bicycle ( origami )
Origami kongkong: Rooster-satoshi kamiya 10cm蜡纸
Trung Dong: Goldfish by Ta Trung Dong
Ares.: Rhaegal / Drogon / Viserion
Masamune81: Origami Gorilla - Herman Van Goubergen
Masamune81: Origami Skeleton Hand and Rose
Masamune81: Evolution
Lonely-Shiba: 【Origami 】Ghost
Lonely-Shiba: 【Origami】 Bat