bartlepm: Tan Jumping Spider
bartlepm: Northern Parula on Redbud
bartlepm: Super Blood Wolf Moon
bartlepm: Euphoria fulgida, the emerald euphorium
bartlepm: Four Square
bartlepm: Night Market
bartlepm: Hong Kong Skyline
bartlepm: The Peak - Hong Kong
bartlepm: International Finance Centre, Hong Kong
bartlepm: Snowy Owl in Bellbrook
bartlepm: Wicked Petunia
bartlepm: Sunrise at Spring Lakes
bartlepm: Tri-Colored Heron
bartlepm: Ruddy Turnstone
bartlepm: Willet on Beach
bartlepm: Reflections: Sanderling
bartlepm: Eclipse Timelapse
bartlepm: 2017 Eclipse - the Diamond Ring
bartlepm: Tobacco Hornworm Caterpillar
bartlepm: Flemings Falls
bartlepm: Summertime in the Garden
bartlepm: Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
bartlepm: Incidental Falls
bartlepm: Lampyridae
bartlepm: Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
bartlepm: Dragonfly (indentification?)
bartlepm: Dragonfly Close-Up
bartlepm: Tan Jumping Spider
bartlepm: Self Reflection
bartlepm: Kodak DuaFlex II (1950 - 1954)