kayisoglu: Feeding seagulls from ferry
kayisoglu: Homeless
kayisoglu: Looking for a book
kayisoglu: Old Fisherman
kayisoglu: Happy chidren of the Bosporus
kayisoglu: Old Sailor, with his beautiful newspaper hat, is making net
kayisoglu: Watching İstanbul
kayisoglu: Life in the Bosphorus
kayisoglu: Loneliness
kayisoglu: Snow Wars
kayisoglu: Shoeshiner
kayisoglu: Trying a beanie
kayisoglu: Boys are feeding seaguls from ferry
kayisoglu: The Hunt
kayisoglu: People of the Bosphorus
kayisoglu: Amazed...
kayisoglu: Syrian family in Balat's streets
kayisoglu: Innocence
kayisoglu: Cornhusk
kayisoglu: Damson Plum
kayisoglu: Russia goes to war! (newspaper headline)
kayisoglu: Just before the rain... Lake Beyşehir
kayisoglu: Lottery
kayisoglu: Kiosk
kayisoglu: It's crowded!
kayisoglu: Tired...
kayisoglu: Bicycle and dreams...
kayisoglu: The Master
kayisoglu: Smartphone addiction