Matthias.Kahrs: Papageitaucher (Fratercula arctica)
David Rounce: Puffin.
Jonsfotos: Puffin - Skomer Island , Pembrokeshire.
Nigel Blake, 23,575,197 views! Many thanks!: Atlantic Puffin, Fratercula arctica "Explore" at #6 07-07-2017
Dani℮l: The End
Matthias.Kahrs: Eisvogel (Alcedo atthis)
lintonthelion: Sparrowhawk
blavandmaster: Fjordside Serenity
R-Gasman: Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica)
ellen-ow: The King
Nejdet Duzen: Cloud show
jellyfire: Harnessed
Vins 64: Old Man of Storr, Isle of Skye [Scotland] [Explore n°129 du 09/06/2015]
andywon: As Time Went By
phil winter: Family of Little Owl chicks (Athene noctua)
DWH284: Smoke Screen
Greg @ Montreal: Busy Saturday @ Les 3 Brasseurs - 1
Greg @ Montreal: King of the Sea - Part I
Charles Kottler: Three Cormorants
agedsenator: Arch'50 -Portici,Granatello harbour (bis)
wentloog: Harbour Wall Breakers
Summit42: I forgot I took this last year....
Ray Bradshaw.: Fleeting Light.
Ray Bradshaw.: May Time.
georgerani532: En pointe ( Explored )
vulture labs: Thirds Rule
Beckles Creations: Nortern Gannet 'City'
Beckles Creations: Puffin 'Flash at Sunset'