La Brise: Reflet
s.galli79: The Dark Edges
mgimagery95: Day 258
mgimagery95: Day 260
stephen_tvedt: Take your Pick
Nadège Gascon: Zébron dans la poussière de sable
wrpryde: Great Horned Owl in flight Explored 9/5/2015
kapete: straight ahead and then turn right
Kiwi Tom: Lake Hayes
Tammy Schild: Autumn Awaits
andredekesel: Pinocchio weevil
fiddleoak: the photographer
Michael Muraz: So Close, Yet So Far
collinmcadoo: the inhabitants
Vincen Chuang: Omaggio A Roma
_gate_: Come swim with me - Explored on 12.08.2015
Moustafa Kzaiha: Welcome to Leipzig
golden fan: Flying
Vagelis Pikoulas: When the sun is gone...
samyaoo: 日出
andrea hallgass: Ephippiger cf. melisi (Baccetti, 1958)
Vincent_Ting: The Ray at Mountain Hehuan合歡山
Howard L.: Lingering summer
fiddleoak: tree
olivia bee: Nail Bite (Hannah at Joshua Tree)
fiddleoak: full circle
normanwest4tography: Red Kite - Milvus milvus
marco ferrarin: Starry Sky
fiddleoak: going postal
mgimagery95: Day 215