Michał Kosmulski: Lucky Star Fractal from Green Tant
Michał Kosmulski: Fractalized CFW 85 (alternating fold direction)
Michał Kosmulski: Announcement: Blanket Permission to Fold and Teach Shuzo Fujimoto’s Models (Non-Commercial Use)
Michał Kosmulski: Hydrangea Plaque (CFW 49)
Michał Kosmulski: Fractalized CFW 85 (consistent fold direction)
Michał Kosmulski: Fractalized CFW 85 (consistent fold direction), side view
mitanei: Decay
mitanei: "Out of Order"
mitanei: In Memoriam
mitanei: "It's cool man"
mitanei: "Jack"
mitanei: "Burdened"
origamistvroix: Star Burst 2 (Crease Pattern) designed by Mark
origamistvroix: Floral Fantasy - An Extended Version of "Flower Fantasy" by Timur Menyalshchikov
origamistvroix: Floral Fantasy - An Extended Version of "Flower Fantasy" by Timur Menyalshchikov
Philogami: Rabbit
origamistvroix: Fantasia (Crease Pattern) designed by Joel Cooper
origamistvroix: Orange (Crease Pattern) designed by Joel Cooper
npvru: Chalcosoma-caucasus 2
npvru: Chalcosoma-caucasus 1