allanchard64: Flying Chough
allanchard64: Chough searching for food at Mwnt, West Wales
allanchard64: Chough at Mwnt.
allanchard64: Chough.
allanchard64: Dipper in the river Frome at Eastville Park, Bristol
allanchard64: Siskin, Forest of Dean
allanchard64: Magnolia Warbler
allanchard64: Great White egret at Lodmoor
allanchard64: Great White Egret
allanchard64: Forster's Tern at Arne.
allanchard64: Little Owl at the Obs quarry, Portland
allanchard64: Wheatear, Portland
allanchard64: Wheatear, Portland
allanchard64: Little Owl at Portland
allanchard64: Ratty and his mate enjoying the sunflower seeds at Portland
allanchard64: Cormorant with a Carp for lunch
allanchard64: Migrant Hawker male
allanchard64: Migrant Hawker male
allanchard64: Male Black Darter
allanchard64: Male Black Darter
allanchard64: Mature Black Darter male.
allanchard64: A pair of Black Darters at Priddy Pools
allanchard64: Southern Hawker
allanchard64: Southern Hawker male
allanchard64: Common Hawker, Priddy Pools
allanchard64: Black Darters.
allanchard64: Black Darter pair, Somerset
allanchard64: Immature Red-veined Darter, Severnside, Bristol
allanchard64: Imm Red-veined Darter, Bristol
allanchard64: Imm Red-veined Darter