Luz Adriana Villa A.: Fly me to the MoOn
ksblack99: Red-breasted Merganser Male Front
Becky Matsubara: Belted Kingfisher (f)
Becky Matsubara: American Kestrel (f)
ahisgett: Golden Eagle 12a
Kelly Colgan Azar: White-crowned Sparrow
Kelly Colgan Azar: Lincoln's Sparrow.
wackybadger: Forster's Tern (Sterna forsteri)
Raphaelle Monvoisin: Ascent Star
FreeSpirit5: Surfing
FreeSpirit5: Nose Dive
Patricia Ware: Bufflehead in Flight
Wes Aslin: Bufflehead - Male
Raphaelle Monvoisin: Solitary House
Amy Spanos: stephanie
Amy Spanos: Valentine.
Amy Spanos: Danielle @ Girl
Amy Spanos: Big city life.