Aviformes: Quizzical yellow-crowned night heron
Aviformes: Cedar waxwing on watch
Aviformes: Dunnock sings through the cold
Aviformes: Great horned owl(ette)
Aviformes: Sleepy Night heron
Aviformes: Neotropic Cormorant greets the day.
Aviformes: Eagle of the North
Aviformes: California Dreamin'
Aviformes: California Dreamin'
Aviformes: Birds of southern England - Part 1
Aviformes: Birds of southern England - Part 1
Aviformes: Birds of southern England - Part 1
Aviformes: Birds of southern England - Part 1
Aviformes: Birds of southern England - Part 1
Aviformes: Birds of southern England - Part 1
Aviformes: Carrion crow atop Stonehenge
Aviformes: Pelagic Cormorant
Aviformes: Black Oystercatcher
Aviformes: Surf Scoter
Aviformes: Great Blue Heron
Aviformes: Bald Eagle
Aviformes: Harlequin Ducks
Aviformes: Harlequin Duck
Aviformes: Vulpes vulpes
Aviformes: Lesser Goldfinch
Aviformes: Lesser Goldfinch
Aviformes: Western Kingbird
Aviformes: Western Kingbird
Aviformes: Yellow-billed Magpie
Aviformes: House Finch duo