yoke's fotoboek: Along the Meuse (F)
gunarimfocus: Nachbar;s Rosen
gidlark: IMG_2720
OccaChouchou: Fountains-Alanya- Turkey
Photra99: Church of the Virgin Mary, Coptic Cairo, Egypt
manfred 6: Revierkampf
manfred 6: Margariten
kalakeli: barn swallow portrait
OccaChouchou: Refreshing blue-Alanya- Turkey
Photra99: Colossi of Memnon, Luxor, Egypt
Photra99: Abu Simbel Temple, Egypt
Photra99: Bisti Beast
Photra99: Sunset, Amazon River, Brazil
Manuel Barroso: Sunrise — Nascer do sol
Manuel Barroso: Nycticorax nycticorax — Black-crowned Night Heron — Socó-dorminhoco
PictureBotanica: Rotterdam - Erasmusbrücke
ischug51: Kurios !
sander_sloots: Path (18-09-2021)
My Digital Gallery: Karpathos - The blue Sea of Lefkos
hans_cornet: Chambord
schau_ma_da: Froschperspektive und dramatischer Himmel im Gegenlicht
Martin Bärtges: A windy but sunny day at the harbor
Gérard & Françoise: 07.31.23. Lac d'Arvouin (France)
Manuel Barroso: Forbidden City - Beijing — Cidade Proibida - Pequim