billyneher: #monochrome #645pro #mextures #afterlight
billyneher: #monochrome #bnw #645pro #mextures #afterlight #blackandwhite
billyneher: Me leg. Me car. Me profession. #monochrome #645pro #mextures #afterlight
billyneher: Fishies for sale. #monochrome #afterlight #mextures #645pro
billyneher: #monochrome #mextures #afterlight #645pro playing a game.
billyneher: Morning gate #monochrome #mextures #afterlight #645pro #iphone6
billyneher: #monochrome #catskills #pool
billyneher: Sky for days. #mextures
billyneher: Tree over sky #woodlandvalleycampground #Phoenicia #catskillmountains #catskills
billyneher: Tree over cloud. #mextures #afterlight
billyneher: Purple come flower. #echinacea #monochrome
billyneher: Big tree.
billyneher: Through the wind screen (windshield) #mextures #afterlight #hyperspektiv #monochrome
billyneher: #monochrome #mextures #afterlight #iphone6
billyneher: Separating post. #monochrome #645pro
billyneher: Mew. #monochrome #bnw
billyneher: upload
billyneher: Lucy. Snooze. #monochrome
billyneher: Lucy. London. #monochrome
billyneher: Good morning. Lucy is six weeks old today.
billyneher: upload
billyneher: Lucy with flower.
billyneher: Lucy.
billyneher: upload
billyneher: Lucy is home. #catskillmountains five weeks old today.
billyneher: Tavern portion
billyneher: upload
billyneher: Just another nice day in the Catskills. Lunch at the Phoenicia Diner which is packed again. #mextures #afterlight #photosynth
billyneher: Rt 28 bridge replacement. #monochrome #mextures #afterlight
billyneher: Sitting enjoying the evening with a beer and listening to the birds. #catskillmountains #monochrome #mextures #afterlight