WAR10CK..!: waiting for the Monsoon....
WAR10CK..!: Colors are Back
WAR10CK..!: Todays work Done
WAR10CK..!: Behind
WAR10CK..!: Torched..
WAR10CK..!: Run..
WAR10CK..!: My imagination is a monastery and I am its monk.
WAR10CK..!: Ready for the ride
WAR10CK..!: Life on the lake
WAR10CK..!: IV6A6431 copy
WAR10CK..!: resting after a long journey
WAR10CK..!: Its is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves
WAR10CK..!: Life is a pilgrimage. The wise man does not rest by the roadside inns. He marches direct to the illimitable domain of eternal bliss, his ultimate destination
WAR10CK..!: The great masters of the past taught: “Water if you don’t stir it will become clear; the mind left unaltered will find its own natural peace
WAR10CK..!: From the other side
WAR10CK..!: What makes photography a strange invention is that its primary raw materials are place,light and time.
WAR10CK..!: Friends... Sea... Sunset ..goa...Curlies Sucha blissful life!! what more do u want
WAR10CK..!: Morning...
WAR10CK..!: Pall on the wall
WAR10CK..!: Evening in Pune...
WAR10CK..!: Heading HOme
WAR10CK..!: Stars with me...
WAR10CK..!: Stars with me....
WAR10CK..!: After the Storm
WAR10CK..!: Shetkari...
WAR10CK..!: Photographer...
WAR10CK..!: Alone