ericthomas19561: In The Spirit Of The Season (AI)
ericthomas19561: Good News (Happy Jack Came Back)!
ericthomas19561: “I’M BACK” (he said softly) 😂😻
Bineth Shalika: Beautiful view
Bineth Shalika: Moragahakanda Reservoir
Melinda G Pix: One of the many sparrows in the yard
mahar15: Blue Jay
Ng Aomoa: Ypthima nikaea, the Moore's fivering
Ng Aomoa: Graphium agamemnon, the tailed jay
Ng Aomoa: Heliophorus androcles, the green sapphire
Ng Aomoa: Vagrans egista
Ng Aomoa: Poritia hewitsoni, the Common Gem
MindfulnessArt: Douceur d'automne / Gentle autumn moment
MindfulnessArt: Douceur d'automne / Gentle autumn moment
mclcbooks: Columbine
kaising_fung: Leaves
jeanmical: " "The guardian of this wonderful show..."
Laura Macky: Snow Egret
Sherri456 off & on: The Magic of a Butterfly
Melinda G Pix: Hand over the bird feed, lady….
chulle: Golden young swan
chulle: Blue Light river Rednitz at Glanzlichter Fürth
chulle: Blue ambient at highlights Fürth
Bineth Shalika: Together
Bineth Shalika: Gynura crepidioides
Bineth Shalika: Bellwood
maria.bove07: Natura
maria.bove07: Autunno