Carolina Wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus)
Preparing for Winter
Bill DuPree:
Dove’s-foot Crane’s Bill
Bill DuPree:
Columbine in Profile
Bill DuPree:
Bill DuPree:
Dove’s-foot Crane’s Bill
Bill DuPree:
Blue-eyed Grass
Paul Knapper:
Mother Shipton Moth (Callistege mi)
Keith Carlson:
Just Fledged Great Horned Owl
Keith Carlson:
White-crowned Sparrow
Keith Carlson:
Lesser Goldfinch on Nest
Keith Carlson:
Just Fledged Great Horned Owls
Amy Godfrey Johnson:
Osprey Breakfast
Amy Godfrey Johnson:
Great Egret
Amy Godfrey Johnson:
The Tyranny of Kingbirds
Amy Godfrey Johnson:
Birds of South Texas
Amy Godfrey Johnson:
Red Fox
Amy Godfrey Johnson:
Northern Mockingbird
Amy Godfrey Johnson:
Great Kiskadee
Amy Godfrey Johnson:
Red-winged Blackbirds
Michael K. Springer:
Michael K. Springer:
Distinctly Average:
Distinctly Average:
Brown Argus
Distinctly Average:
It was him.
Yamil Saenz:
Plain Parakeet