Melinda Young Stuart: Millet--"Crops of the World"
Melinda Young Stuart: Wall Pattern
Melinda Young Stuart: Urban Waterwheel
bildesheim: Kappeskerb #rheingau
Melinda Young Stuart: Choose Your Seat
♔ Georgie R: Scissors 199-365 (12-4218)
Melinda Young Stuart: Getting Out the Vote
Melinda Young Stuart: Tall with Tall
Patrick Ng: 「任何啤」有冇得諗? MF Bear 同門神釀緊隻日本桃汁啤就快出街,下隻就釀「任何啤」啦! #任何人 #任何仁 #任何啤 @moonzenbrewery @logonhk @manualfactory #mfbear #manualfactorybear #manualfactory #啤酒 #手工啤酒 #手工啤酒香港 #beer #craftbeer #hk #bear
Melinda Young Stuart: In The Red
Melinda Young Stuart: Sunday Morning, 8AM
Patrick Ng: Continuing my obsession to replace pen clips with more appropriate ones :) Kaweco bronze clip looks and works great on TN brass fountain pen. #kaweco #travelersnote #travelersnotebook #midoritravelersnotebook #deskbound #stationery #stationerylove #pen #f
Melinda Young Stuart: Arbor at the Rose Garden
Melinda Young Stuart: A Spring Wild
Melinda Young Stuart: Puya raimondii
Melinda Young Stuart: Spring in Greys
bildesheim: #rheingau #tagderarbeit
Melinda Young Stuart: Copper Beech
Melinda Young Stuart: House of Four Gables
Melinda Young Stuart: Tulips in Spring
Melinda Young Stuart: Tulip Display
Melinda Young Stuart: Evening Geometry
♔ Georgie R: At the Post Office
Melinda Young Stuart: Garden Bench
ALAMO2008: Hentyllaeth Aga
ALAMO2008: Hentyllaeth Aga
ALAMO2008: Hentyllaeth Steak pie
Melinda Young Stuart: Peaked Roof House, #35.
Melinda Young Stuart: Courtyard. Berkeley City Club.
Melinda Young Stuart: On my Morning Walk.