NorthernXposure: Seacliff - East Lothian
Leanne Boulton: The Doorway
Leanne Boulton: Multitasking
ian_woodhead1: Glen Etive - Interested bystander
Ian Emerson (Thanks for all the comments and faves: Some trees look better without leaves.
Leanne Boulton: The Hallowed Shadow
Leanne Boulton: Pandora's Bag
Leanne Boulton: When The Wind Blows
A Great Capture: Red Leaf on the Boardwalk
A Great Capture: Squirrel on a picnic table
Leanne Boulton: That's A Wrap
Leanne Boulton: Just Thinking
Leanne Boulton: Seek And You Shall Find
peterbaird100: Leaderfoot viaduct sunset
Leanne Boulton: Face to Face
Leanne Boulton: The Duckworth Lewis Method
lytovchenko: Harzer Schmalspurbahn
Leanne Boulton: Flashback Friday: When The Wind Blows
ian_woodhead1: Forth Rail Bridge Acharn Falls _G5A0077
Dmitriy Ryabov: Women's Beauty II
NorthernXposure: Loupe of Fintry
Leanne Boulton: Red Beret
Leanne Boulton: Balloons
Leanne Boulton: I See You
Leanne Boulton: I'm Glad We Didn't Go To Hawaii