D. C. Peters: Swallow-tailed Kite activity at the roost
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Purple Gallinule
95B Photography: 3L7A8676
95B Photography: 3L7A8613
D. C. Peters: Swallow-tailed Kite activity around the roost
jeremy_cohen: Yellow-headed blackbird
Central Florida Photo: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Shannon Rose O'Shea: American White Ibis
Cecil Ramsey: LAWD 6/17/24 - 1
jeremy_cohen: Whimbrel
Ed Rizer: OSCEOLA TURKEY poult - This little baby turkey was about as big as your hand and was with 2 hens. The Beauty Of God's Creation on the Lake Wales Ridge in Polk County Florida USA 6/17/24
fred_dame: Purple Gallinule with five chicks
fred_dame: Halloween Pennant
Ed Rizer: "Early Bird Gets The Worm" This FLORIDA SCRUB JAY has nabbed a caterpillar for breakfast. The Beauty Of God's Creation in central Florida USA 5/11/24
Schocken Photography: Barred Owl Poised to Strike (Explored, May 12, 2024)
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Roseate Spoonbill
Ed Rizer: SLATY SKIMMER female - The Beauty Of God's Creation in Central Florida 5/13/24
Ed Rizer: AMERICAN REDSTART Warbler - I was a little surprised to find this beautiful male this late in the Spring migration. It might be a resident. The Beauty Of God's Creation along the Van Fleet Trail in central Florida USA 5/13/24
Ed Rizer: BLUE-WINGED WARBLER - The Beauty Of God's Creation at Fort DeSoto Park Saint Petersburg Florida USA 4/24/24
Ed Rizer: BLACKPOLL WARBLER - The Beauty Of God's Creation at Fort DeSoto Park Saint Petersburg Florida USA 4/24/24
Ed Rizer: 1cww
Ed Rizer: PEARL CRESCENT Butterflies - he Beauty Of God's Creation at Green Swamp WMA Polk County Florida USA 4/19/24
Central Florida Photo: Pileated Woodpecker
Ed Rizer: AMERICAN LADY Butterfly - The Beauty Of God's Creation at Backyard Butters Winter Haven Florida USA 4/22/24
Central Florida Photo: Black-bellied Whistling Duck
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Ed Rizer: ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK - The Beauty Of God's Creation at Fort DeSoto Park Saint Petersburg Florida USA 4/13/24
Ed Rizer: 1pfc1
Herman1944: Air Force Thunderbird
Ed Rizer: BLUE GROSBEAK female - The Beauty Of God's Creation at Fort DeSoto Park Saint Petersburg Florida USA 4/13/24