dkdavis918: Mini Bee September blocks. Boy, I am cutting it close but I will get them in the mail asap.
dkdavis918: Received Mini Bee blocks.
dkdavis918: Mini Bee Blocks 2015. I have the best hive mates. I love the way all the blocks go together. I still have a few blocks left, I don't know if I will piece them into the back or make a baby quilt. Love it!
dkdavis918: February Mini Bee Top row: mine, Corinne, Middle row: Wendy, Kathi, Brenda. Bottom row: Linda, Pam.
dkdavis918: Stash Bee 2016. HIVE 2 JANUARY
dkdavis918: Don't you love it? Ladies, thank you so much!
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dkdavis918: oklahoma-twister-quilt-block_th
dkdavis918: 20151121_115356-1
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dkdavis918: December block
dkdavis918: 20150926_145801
dkdavis918: Trying my hand at applique after an absence of a few years. It's like finding an old love.
dkdavis918: image
dkdavis918: Colors not right but love the pattern.
dkdavis918: IMG_0372
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dkdavis918: rainbow dash!
dkdavis918: Lennie the llama
dkdavis918: image
dkdavis918: image
dkdavis918: Sea Pieceful June. This one is for Jenn.
dkdavis918: Sew Pieceful June, this one for Nancy.
dkdavis918: Sew Pieceful June, this one is for Jan.
dkdavis918: Mystery Quilt 2015
dkdavis918: Mystery Quilt 2015
dkdavis918: Mystery Quilt 2015
dkdavis918: Mystery Quilt 2015
dkdavis918: Mystery Quilt 2015