Initials J.B.: Lunettes noires
Initials J.B.: Dignité (Explored)
Maryam Arif: perceptive dispersion
Initials J.B.: Antoine
Initials J.B.: À contre sens
Lucas Kakuda: Do It Again V
Lucas Kakuda: Do It Again IV
Lucas Kakuda: Do It Again II
Initials J.B.: Oh man (Explored)
Maryam Arif: simple game
Initials J.B.: Fly away
Initials J.B.: Dessine moi ...
Initials J.B.: Stairway to ...
Maryam Arif: gravity pull
heroinshesaid: Buenos Aires/2014
Maryam Arif: frag men ted
Maryam Arif: restitution of life
Initials J.B.: Ensemble, c'est tout
jasmin.gueye: I love the spirit of Halloween and the energy that comes with it. -Katharine McPhee
jasmin.gueye: There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds. -Gilbert K. Chesterton
Initials J.B.: Your eyes
Initials J.B.: Blinded
Stephen L D'Agostino: "It's all gone a bit wrong"
heroinshesaid: Buenos Aires/2014
DreamofGirl: tumblr_mv57n5wDF71suq6ldo1_1280
DeeMac: Fed up - Explored!
TW Collins: Self-Portrait on Laurence Jackson Hymans' Portrait of Composer, Henry Brant