Trisquette: Romantic underwear...
Trisquette: Romantic underwear
littlestupidthings: Crimson Princess
Trisquette: Vintage outfit
·Yuffie Kisaragi·: Darla - Pullip Prupate
Apple Appelgebak ~( (-^ J ^-) )~: PDNTM 4- Message in a bottle
Lilium's Angels: Rainy summer day - [PDNTM Summer Stories]
.Himitsu.: Ilión - Pullip Blanche
Marieta (Dama Mízar): Feliz cumpleaños, Mina
Trisquette: Daphné...
Aienhime: Lady of the ring
·Yuffie Kisaragi·: Naah-Chan - Pullip Custom
ChewyRabbit: The secret lifes of Pullips
Juliët Sophie: Alenga -
xPullipLove: PDNTM - [ The secret lifes of Pullips ]
xPullipLove: Had a Nice day at popcon!
~BlackRoseDying~: Juno (Pullip Anne Shirley)
xPullipLove: We're ready for popcon yaay!
.Himitsu.: Summer - Pullip Aquel
·Yuffie Kisaragi·: Eileen - Pullip Blanche
❀> Lily <❀: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
xPullipLove: She got a new own made wig!
BitterSweetDreams ♡: Am I dreaming?
Elin's dolls: Happy birthday to me!
Alive~: Birthday
Trisquette: Little summer dress for Amphélyse...
·Yuffie Kisaragi·: Ianthe - Pullip Suigintou
Alive~: Practicing
xPullipLove: PDNTM2015 - [Dreaming]