Murpz: Eilistraee out for a stroll, her skin glowing in the moonlight.
Murpz: Lillah went trekking through a bamboo forest. They made such cool sounds when the wind blew, rubbing the shoots against each other.
Murpz: Lillah doesn't always take walks during the day, preferring to be guided by moonlight. But today she decided to take a stroll through the woods, enjoying the blooming flowers.
Murpz: This is Njörun, Eilistraee' Abyssal Demon. Njörun has been with Eilistraee since she woke up in her drider form. Her alignment would be considered Lawful Neutral (the law being Eilistraee's word), and her class being a sorceress.
Murpz: Eilistraee was once a beautiful dark elf until she was betrayed by her mother, Lolth, who cursed her with this albino drider form. The day she awoke with Njörun by her side she swore that she would get her revenge Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Class: W
Murpz: Eilistraee was out exploring today with both of her companions, but cannot help but to go off on her own. Maybe on top of this is a better vantage point.
Murpz: Eilistraee doesn't deal with strangers very well, having been betrayed by many and having lost her memories of better times.
Murpz: I keep changing her character around and eventually will post about her. But until the here she is showing off an ancient dwemer key she found ♡
Murpz: This will eventually be Eilistraee, with a very different look.
Murpz: Please meet Njörun. Her story is still being laid out for me.
Murpz: My no name Doll Chateau Elizabeth hanging out on my desk ♡
Murpz: A dreaded alpaca wig I'm trying to make
Murpz: A dreaded alpaca wig I'm trying to make
Murpz: So I haven't worked on this in a while, mainly because I don't like the way the synthetic hair feels/acts.
Murpz: So I haven't worked on this in a while, mainly because I don't like the way the synthetic hair feels/acts.
Murpz: Dolls make me... smile with their ability to take you away to alternate realities where your creativity can run free.
Murpz: Making whefts
Murpz: Kitties are guarding the wig materials.
Murpz: Progress on my first wig
Murpz: I have a new head model, with no body. So I made a "body"!
Murpz: Trimmed up the ends
Murpz: The cap is a little loose, and I could have gone without doubling up on the material.
Murpz: I don't have my own bjd so I am using one of my mom's minifees.
Murpz: Box of different types of alpaca hair.
Murpz: She has a beautiful faceup that we didn't want to get messed up, so I left her face uncovered.
Murpz: The back of her head.
Murpz: I made sure to get under the rubber bands by her ears, so that the cap would keep close to her head when dry.
Murpz: This is after I covered her head in Mod Podge and left it to dry.
Murpz: I left it so I could pull everything back from her face to make sure her pretty makeup wasn't messed up.
Murpz: Lilah talking secrets with her teddy