mainly birds: Nuthatch
mainly birds: _D859868
mainly birds: _DSC5893.jpg
mainly birds: Sanderling, Aberlady
mainly birds: Sanderling, Aberlady
mainly birds: Little Egret, Aberlady
mainly birds: Grey Plover
mainly birds: Waxwings
mainly birds: Little Stint
mainly birds: Spoonbills at Tyninghame, 14th August.
mainly birds: Spoonbills at Tyninghame, 14th August.
mainly birds: Spoonbills at Tyninghame, 14th August.
mainly birds: Peregrine with prey
mainly birds: Painted Lady
mainly birds: Painted Lady (one of hundreds about on Sunday 28th July after the morning rain)
mainly birds: Painted Lady
mainly birds: Grasshopper.
mainly birds: Red-spotted Bluethroat
mainly birds: Red-spotted Bluethroat
mainly birds: Lucky escape?
mainly birds: Goldcrest
mainly birds: Fieldfares
mainly birds: Close up of one of the “Figgate” otters. I was just wandering on the boardwalk waiting for the otters to reappear when I spotted this one watching me. Fortunately it didn’t freak when I lifted the camera. Fantastic to see one so close at last.