johanasantos10: Chapala.
johanasantos10: Y solo ser libre.
johanasantos10: <3 los amo
johanasantos10: Never More.
johanasantos10: Happy ! !!
johanasantos10: El Salvador
johanasantos10: Limite de la República de Guatemala
johanasantos10: San Cristóbal
johanasantos10: San Cristóbal
johanasantos10: Mil máscaras- thousand masks
johanasantos10: Dentro del espejo- In the mirror
johanasantos10: Jóvenes tocados por el mundo del vicio- Young touched by the world of vice.
johanasantos10: La Noria.
johanasantos10: Fuente de los niños miones. Guadalajara, Mèxico
johanasantos10: Medio vacío- half empty
johanasantos10: We recognize that people have no right to defend itself against foreign enemies or attack. We also recognize that isolated individuals can not have this right in their mutual relations, the unit can not have more rights than those of the others.
johanasantos10: We recognize that people have no right to defend itself against foreign enemies or attack. We also recognize that isolated individuals can not have this right in their mutual relations, the unit can not have more rights than those of the others.
johanasantos10: We recognize that people have no right to defend itself against foreign enemies or attack. We also recognize that isolated individuals can not have this right in their mutual relations, the unit can not have more rights than those of the others.
johanasantos10: Labios a los labios partidos. Cortometraje- Lips chapped lips. Short film.
johanasantos10: La poesía de los dedos- The poetry of the fingers.
johanasantos10: Days lost, lost time and beauty beside me (:
johanasantos10: Pedazos de pedazos- pieces pieces