IVa e vieni 1: Uscita a vuoto....rete
Pat's Pics36: Benched Ladybugs!
V A N D E E: Black Ribbon
nicole le roy91: Rüppell's parrot/Perroquet de Rüppell
Paul McGoveran: Killdeer Island
Yamabxl: Dark mood
Yamabxl: May it guide you through dark places and into the light.
Yamabxl: The elevator must not break down ...
Yamabxl: Reflection on the ceiling creates an interesting effect, as if you are in a looking glass.
Yamabxl: All blue
Yamabxl: Gold and red
Yamabxl: The view from the orange and blue carpet is glorious
Yamabxl: Caribaldi
Yamabxl: Hello, I’m heading to the museum entrance...
Argstatter: DSC01276
surf-shot: surf-shot-juvenile-white-tailed-kite-7-May-2024--_08A2092-c
Carsten Bahnsen: Blaukehlchen -Bluethroat (Luscinia svecica)
monique marie2: Episyrphus balteatus...
monique marie2: Beauté fluide
monique marie2: Le Fusain....
monique marie2: Dernier jour ....
monique marie2: A cheval sur mon bidet ......
jmfaure29: Les marques du temps..2/2
Quim Granell: (7690) Macro Nature
Gladys Klip: Kwak / night heron / bihoreau
Gladys Klip: Steenuil / little owl / chevêche d'athéna
Jonathan Irwin Photography: Wood Mice_X3A8343
belas62: Pelecanus crispus, Αργυροπελεκάνος, Dalmatian pelican