m-child: The Anchor
Christoph Wenzel: Langkofel Group
holland fotograaf: House on the river
andyrousephotography: Surfaces may be Icy (Explore 12/04/22 #80)
Graham S Paton: Last one
charlesgyoung: our obsessions
MountMan Photo temp. OFF/ON: Jutarnja magla nad Zelenim virom i Vražijim prolazom
Traveler 旅人: // 一直認為,所謂的美好永遠都是等來的,但這個等待並不是待在原地什麼都不做,而是要繼續走、繼續奔赴、繼續保持對未知的熱切,然後繼續成為更好。 - #台中 #台中景點 #九天夕陽之樹
gubanov77: Evening in Izvarino
Marie du 35.: Dinard, plage de St Enogat.
Ken Krach Photography: Enjoying the Grand Sunset
michele.palombi: quando arriva il momento
Maurizio Fecchio: The fisherman in the fog
Couldn't Call It Unexpected: It's juz da pills, man...
Eduardo Amorim: Topando a invernia
Klizio: Un' estate al mare
Maurizio Fecchio: Venetian paths 206(Good morning Vemice)
yan08865: Gullfoss
albert dros: Neowise comet above windmills
Henk Verheyen: Last night Comet Neowise captured above Batenburg, a small town in the Netherlands [Explored]
reurinkjan: Weather is changing at Lake Namtso, Tibet 2019
samal tofiq: Strange Existence
Jeffery Hudson: Supercell in eastern Colorado, USA
Pantchoa: Venezia / San Giorgio Maggiore / From Gondola Service Station San Marco