sheikhoo32: After washing them the devotees have placed them together and they ready for another “LANGAR”. AYE GHAM E YAAR TERE DAMM SE HAI TAMEER E HAYAT TU SALAMAT HAI TOU MERI MATTI BARBAD NAHI
sheikhoo32: Muhamad Akram, one of the devotee who is a MALANG and lives within Khanqah.
sheikhoo32: At “KHANQAH” no one is bound to any specific job but they all are free to do what they feel like doing better. One of the devotee is washing glasses and dishes and making them usable.
sheikhoo32: A person is standing outside the “LANGAR KHANA” and having food. Sufis believe in “first feed then teach”.
sheikhoo32: An inside view of Khanqah of a Sufi, people come here in search of piece.
sheikhoo32: This is style old candle normally known as “DIYA”, Hazrat Adbul Malang lighted this years ago but still it is burning, it’s a metaphor to Sufi himself, just like this candle is burning itself but providing light and life to the surroundings just like this
sheikhoo32: This is the Dargah shareef or Khanqah of Hazrat Abdul Shakoor (RH), the admirers are working outside and distributing the food (LANGAR) in the people.
sheikhoo32: Roses and Sufism are very close to each other. One of the devotee as placed it on the main gate as a sign of his true devotion. Just like roses are symbol of love, believe it or not so as Sufism.
sheikhoo32: Mannat is a controversial element of Sufism and Islamic scholars and researchers have a dispute over it. In its simplest form Mannat can be defined as praying to Allah with some condition. Devotees put threads and locks and have a belief that when they wi
sheikhoo32: This is the shrine of Hazrat Peer Jumman Shah Bukhari at Garden west. Hundreds of devotes visit the shrine daily with their respective beliefs.
sheikhoo32: Most of the people give away their lives and other goals and just stay near their beloved Sufi and such pious people are known as Malang. He is one of them at the shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi
sheikhoo32: Charity is an important part of Islam, especially in Sufism.
sheikhoo32: This place is for incense sticks (Agarbatti), in every shrine this place is specific and continuously provides the fragrance.
sheikhoo32: Talking of Sufism and leaving LANGAR is not possible. Outside the shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi there is a small LANGAR KHANA which is usually filled with food containers.
sheikhoo32: These are commonly called Chaddar, there are Quranic verses embossed over them, this is one of the real essence of Sufism.
sheikhoo32: Meet Abdul Rehman, has been working here from last 3 years, his other family members are also working but another ship.
sheikhoo32: One of many labors, Raheem is melting an iron ship. He asked me to snap him like this at it would look like he is working but however he was on break
sheikhoo32: Life is after all a chain, a chain of breath, a chain of day after day, night after night
sheikhoo32: Safety is as simple as “ABC”, ALWAYS BE CAREFUL.
sheikhoo32: Life is the most illogical pattern; just like life some things are free of legitimate justifications and that giant chain is forming one of those.
sheikhoo32: IMG_0483
sheikhoo32: Taushubetsu Bridge, Nukabira, Hokkaido, Japan, 2008
sheikhoo32: Before using toilet please check, will you be lucky enough to have soap afterwards.
sheikhoo32: Thinking of giving treat at "Rush juice bar", don't! it will leave your wallet empty.
sheikhoo32: Smoking kills, indeed! but with all dust around it will kill you earlier.
sheikhoo32: No such place as "boys common room" is found in CBM, where they can rest easily.
sheikhoo32: She is waiting for her turn to use the computer as only one works out of 7.
sheikhoo32: A different view of Mausoleum of Saint Bhittai.
sheikhoo32: A musician at Bhit shah, with a tiny disturbance in the strings a melody is produced.
sheikhoo32: Men's weakest point is his devoted one.