Leila Latuf: DSCN9087-1
Leila Latuf: DSCN9803
Leila Latuf: DSC_0350-Editar
Leila Latuf: DSC_0409-3
Leila Latuf: DSC_0276
Leila Latuf: DSC_0190
Leila Latuf: Buteco food_DSC_0931-1
Leila Latuf: Backstage of a carnival_DSC_0710
Leila Latuf: Let me go... I need to walk... I'm going there to look for... Laugh not to cry
Leila Latuf: Sunset in Santos - Brazil - DSC_0711-1
Leila Latuf: Circus performer_DSC0265-OK
Leila Latuf: Just a citizen on the street
Leila Latuf: Bridge over the sea_DSC0311
Leila Latuf: A meeting expected_DSC0308
Leila Latuf: Capitalism's antagonisms_DSC0259-Editar-1-4
Leila Latuf: A day of cold on the beach_DSC0293
Leila Latuf: A nice smile_DSC0090-1
Leila Latuf: _DSC0071-1-2
Leila Latuf: Open air_DSC0110-1
Leila Latuf: Towels in the window_DSC0160-1-2
Leila Latuf: Opening to the sky_DSC_0071
Leila Latuf: Spying_DSC0081
Leila Latuf: Banana flower_DSC0136-1
Leila Latuf: Banana bunch_DSC0131-Editar-1
Leila Latuf: A different flower_0439_2
Leila Latuf: A different Rose
Leila Latuf: Dark times II_DSC0163-1-3
Leila Latuf: Dark times_DSC0004-1
Leila Latuf: Music will never be a question of time_DSC0470-1
Leila Latuf: Church of Santo Domingo - Poços de Caldas / MG - Brazil_DSC0059-1-4