musti_west: Gänseblümchen/Daisy
musti_west: Lila Heidekraut
musti_west: Stiefmütterchen/Pansy
musti_west: Winterjasmin/Winter Jasmin
musti_west: Osterglöckchen/Daffodil
musti_west: Kirschblüten/Cherryblossom
musti_west: At least caught the drop/Endlich erwischt den Tropfen *-*
musti_west: Getreide/Cereals
musti_west: The bumblebee has become very dirty :D Die Hummel ist ganz schmutzig geworden.
musti_west: Mohn/Poppy
musti_west: I don't know the name of these flowers but I like them :)
musti_west: Yellow roses/ Gelbe Rosen
musti_west: Hope you guys enjoy :)
musti_west: A rose with a lot of bokeh
musti_west: Violette flower with a yellow core
musti_west: Gone with the wind in the purple world/Vom Winde verweht in der violetten Welt