musti_west: Cave in the ocean
musti_west: Frankfurt Skyline Part 3
musti_west: Frankfurt Skyline Part 2
musti_west: Osthafenbrücke in Frankfurt
musti_west: The Skyline in Frankfurt City
musti_west: i broke into the area where this lake is #everythingforthephoto
musti_west: Brückenkopf taken by night with long exposure/Der Brückenkopf bei Nacht aufgenommen mit einer Langzeitbelichtung.
musti_west: My first try to photograph the milky way. I hope it's not that bad.
musti_west: Sunset yesterday @ Rhein in germany
musti_west: A sea of ​​camomile on a sunny day in germany.
musti_west: Some day I'll go fishing there. The lake was beautiful and I hope I have captured it so you can see it too.
musti_west: It was a cloudy day but the sun was there at all :)
musti_west: Lake in the middle of a forest
musti_west: A pool of unlimited cereals/Ein Meer aus unendlichem Getreide
musti_west: Gone with the wind in the purple world/Vom Winde verweht in der violetten Welt
musti_west: Red yellow rose in the garden of my neighbor :P
musti_west: Violette flower with a yellow core
musti_west: A rose with a lot of bokeh
musti_west: Hope you guys enjoy :)
musti_west: A stream taken with a long exposure
musti_west: Stream taken with a long exposure/Bach aufgenommen mit einer Langzeitbelichtung
musti_west: Yellow roses/ Gelbe Rosen
musti_west: I don't know the name of these flowers but I like them :)
musti_west: Mohn/Poppy
musti_west: The bumblebee has become very dirty :D Die Hummel ist ganz schmutzig geworden.
musti_west: Getreide/Cereals
musti_west: Gänseblümchen/Daisy