gmhorton: "An idea. Resilient, highly contagious. Once an idea's taken hold in the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate. A person can cover it up, ignore it- but it stays there."
gmhorton: You are slowly drifting away from me...
gmhorton: The Ebro in full spate.
gmhorton: Heavy dew on broad bean flowers.
gmhorton: Early mornings in the garden.
gmhorton: Girl / monkey
gmhorton: Sometimes you get roses other times you thorns.
gmhorton: Snowy times.
gmhorton: A rainy day in Tortosa (CAT)
gmhorton: Sunset on the River Ebro. Spain (CAT)
gmhorton: Sunset in the delta
gmhorton: Sunset on the snowy mountain tops.
gmhorton: Rain drops on the Felicia in the garden.
gmhorton: The silence of snow.
gmhorton: After the rain in the garden.
gmhorton: Be different, it's worth it.
gmhorton: Raw detail.